Getting Super Powers First

First -- You must configure your migration file, mainly the Org name, Token name, and token symbol, Additionally you want to define the first founders of the DAO and how much reputation and tokens they will get.

      "name": "ContributionRewardExt",
      "fromArc": true,
      "arcVersion": "0.0.1-rc.51"
      "name": "Competition",
      "fromArc": true,
      "params": [
        { "StandAloneContract": 0 }
      "arcVersion": "0.0.1-rc.51"
         "address": { "StandAloneContract": 0 },
            { "voteParams": 1 },
            { "StandAloneContract": 1 }
         "arcVersion": "0.0.1-rc.51"
        "fromFactory": true,
        "permissions": "0x00000010",
        "alias": "GenericSchemeMultiCall",
        "fromArc": true,
        "arcVersion": "0.0.1-rc.51"
  "ContributionReward": [{}],
  "SchemeRegistrar": [{ "voteParams": 1}],
  "schemes": {
   "ContributionReward": true,
   "SchemeRegistrar": true,
   "GlobalConstraintRegistrar": false,
   "UpgradeScheme": false
  "useDaoCreator": true,
  "founders": [
      "address": "<FristFounderAddress",
      "tokens": 1000,
      "reputation": 1000
      "address": "<SecondFounderAddress>",
      "tokens": 1000,
      "reputation": 1000

  1. Insert a deploying private key which has enough ETH to pay for the deployment transaction
  2. Execute migration contract to deploy DAO

git clone <>
cd migration
npm install
npm run migrate.dao -- --restart --gasPrice 10 --provider <ETHEREUM_PROVIDER_URL> --private-key 0x<YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY> --params /path/to/your/params/migration-params-of-your-dao.json
echo 'You got to trust me on this, I saved the world'